Hi all, I've been using Lead 1515 for couple of years and now i need to do some rotary work. Based on the suggestions in this forum i bought a rotary motor and did some simple setup. Now i'm stuck at configuring the rotary axis and the motor into Blackbox and OpenBuilds Control software. Below are the new motor details. Could someone guide me on; 1) What wiring changes should i make for Balckbox? 2) What software change should i make on OpenBuilds Control Software? Rotary motor details; Brand & Model : San Ou K12-100 Stepper motor: Nema23, 57 step motor current 3A Chuck: 100MM 4-jaw Speed reducing ratio: 20:1 Max RPM: 3500 r/min Please help. I've searched through this forum but could not get any direct answer. I'm afraid of blowing the motor if i experiment blindly. Cheers Bharath
1) Flash your BlackBox X32 (Needs the X32) via CONTROL > Wizards and tools > Firmware Flashing tool > Machine Style > 4 Axis 2) Connect 3) Setup A-Axis steps per mm, acceleration, max rate etc 4) Wire the A-Axis to Y2 (Spare driver becomes A), wire Y motors in parallel onto Y 5) Use OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor/OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrblX32-4thaxis-beta.cps at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor - our 4 axes fusion post, or Deskproto works great too for a 4-axes CAM workflow
Thank you for your prompt reply Peter. Unfortunately, i'm still using the old Blackbox (not the x32 model) .
That one cannot do 4-axes work. Might want to consider upgrading Can only be used for rotary lathe work using Vectric's wrapping feature (Unplug X or Y to connect rotary, and wrap the X or Y around the rotary axis Rotary Machining and Wrapping)
Rotary lathe setup is fine for me. So on Blackbox i've removed the original Y and Y1. Instead i've inserted the Rotary motor plugged into Y. But the rotary motor isn't starting. Do i need to change anything else?
No, if old Y was moving new one should too. Probably motor wired wrong docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] or just wrong electrical specs (replace with one of our motors if thats the case) Unless you plugged/unplugged motors while controller was on, or moved motors by hand backfeeding drivers - both actions that can kill stepper drivers