Hello Peter, First of all, a very happy and healthy new year to you and the entire Openbuilds team. Now my problem, the day before yesterday I engraved some letters in an oak leaf of 400x600mm 40mm thick but I was not satisfied with the result. That meant, flattening the block again. Because the end of the day was approaching I decided to do that the next day. So when I wanted to start the next day and I had set the flattening program I discovered that the old toolpath was still at the top of Control right next to the Openbuilds logo. I assumed that when I would start the flattening that the correct toolpath would appear but that was not the case. The machine went to the place where the letters of the previous toolpath were engraved and started the flattening there. Of course I stopped the program, set the flattening again and restarted the program but exactly the same result. Then I decided to restart the computer and start again and now it went as it should. I don't know what this is due to but I am glad that I have found a workaround to continue my work. By the way, I am extremely satisfied with Control because it does exactly what it is supposed to do and it is very easy to set up. Greetings Bert Klappe I use the latest control
Title bar text only gets updated when you load a "file" - surface jobs arent really files, so purely cosmetic that the old filename sticks around on titlebar. Will add a pseudo/fake filename for surfacing jobs though just to clean it up cosmetically in a coming release Cosmetic Filename on titlebar: Add pseudo for Surfacing jobs · Issue #383 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL thanks
Hello Peter, Thanks, this morning the same thing happened again and I restarted the computer again and that helped. I am glad you found a solution to fix the problem. Greetings Bert
No need to restart, just load up wizard and run. Like I said, its not like the old "file" is around, just nothing since the file was loaded, to change the text on the titlebar...