Best to revert to / compare against the backup you took when it was working, to see what has been changed
After many hours of wasted effort I can not get auto square to work. Now I am not sure it ever worked correctly. Now I have done something and the command line is no longer available. I am ready to switch to another controller and send this one back. Frustration level X10+.
Z homes correctly, X homes correctly, Y hits the first limit- does not back off then alarms that second limit is not found. what would cause Y not to back off when it hits the limit?
Haven't run a auto-squaring setup in a while bit possibly because it fails to find/activate the 2nd switch (might do backoff after both has been "seek"ed? You are using mechanical switches on the parallel input? Are sure you flashed Auto-squaring build? Homing sequences ($44-46) set correctly?
$43=1 ; Homing passes $44=4 ; Homing cycle 1 $45=3 ; Homing cycle 2 $46=0 ; Homing cycle 3 where do I find the documentation for these settings?
Send $$=?? where ?? = the number of parameter you are interested in (onboard help for each parameter) as well as (in particular for the core settings (some plugins has their own settings/m-codes/g-codes and own documentation too) The numbers is an axismask for any axis selection. X=1, Y=2, Z=4 (So for example $45=3 means 2+1 = X+Y at the same time, and $44=4 mean 4=Z = Z on its own) Z then XY Should work, but as a test, do Y on its own $44=4 (Z first) $45=1 (then X) $46=2 (then Y) Please confirm: Also, does clicking Y2's switch by hand light up Z as it should, in troubleshooting tab?
@TopDawg1750 just wondering; how did you manage to use NC switches in parallel? (Or am i reading your posts wrong and you're currently using NO switches, but want to move to NC switches?) NC switches (either the inductive or microswitch) in parallel never trigger (theres always 'signal', either from Y not being triggered or from Z not being triggered) NO switches in parallel work fine here on the Openbuilds microwsitches as well as the SN04-N inductive ones NC Inductive switches in series are unable to work without other hardware. Reason i moved to Inductive, is because my RatRig Stronghold is sold with the SN04-N2 (NC) inductive limitswitches on both the SH One and SH Pro. And as far as i know, the Openbuilds Micro Limitswitches are only NO (As far as i'm aware). Any (reasonable priced) small sized microswitch limitswitches? (EU based)
I wound up using NO PNP inductive sensors on X, Y,Z. Paralleled Y2 and Z. I find the inductive switches to be more reliable and more stable. (Heschen M12 Inductive Proximity Sensor Switch, LJ12A3-4-Z/BX, Detector 4mm, 10-30VDC 200mA, NPN Normally Open(NO), Non-shield Type, 3 Wire). I did use a mechanical switch on my floating torch head. I mounted everything in rollover configuration so the sensor will not be destroyed if the axis does over shoot the limit. Everything appears to work as advertised, Now I am in the process of learning how to use Vetric to create the tool paths for Plasma. I need to find the correct post processor and how to modify it for my specific needs. I downloaded a test file from the OpenBuilds site and , after some adjustments to the G-Code, it appears to run as advertised. Next I will fill the water table, plug in the Plasma machine to see if I can get a successful cut.