Hi, I've been trying to update my firmware on my black box and I keep running into the same error. When I go through the wizard setup I keep getting a failure. My blackbox is older so maybe I doing the wrong steps? I can't seem to upload firmware to the interface either would appreciate any guidance. The pics are when I tried to update blackbox firmware and not the interface Thank you, Eric
I think so, that is what comes up with controller screen in pic I took. Does it say anywhere inside black box I can look?
There are no updates available for it (note the tabs in the flashing wizard. Only X32 and Interface) Grbl is by now retired so no new versions of firmware for the older controllers anymore. No need though its all stable. Newer firmware like grblHAL needs a newer controller like the X32.
It could be retrofitted (newer Interfaces work a little better with the X32 though): docs:interface:retrofit-x32 [OpenBuilds Documentation] But if theres nothing wrong with your 4X - whats really going on here? Why are you trying to update firmware? What are you looking for / looking to do? Or is it broken?
Originally it wasn’t jogging correctly. Took a while to trace out but noticed that the power section in the black box had a broken solder joint. I’ve fixed that and everything seems to working correctly now, during this process I notice that the firmware no longer updates and was trying to understand why
Ahh OK, helps to begin an issue with the right question off the get go. Let me guess? That message was on the Interface's LCD? If so, you were almost on the right path. But its not the BlackBox firmware thats out of date, its Interface's (its telling you it itself is unable to check): Should be on V1.58: docs:interface:firmware-update [OpenBuilds Documentation] Not the BlackBox - seperate firmwares (; USB cable into Interface, and CONTROL's flashing wizard on the Interface tab. Flash V1.58. Follow instructions in documentation Weird jogging issue could have been a bad GND so good catch, but if it returns it could also be EMI or a bad Power supply.
Thank you for all the assistance, I’ll look at the interface update and watch for potential emi/ power supply
Peter, I too having issues updating my firmware after a year of not logging on. I've attached a screen shot/ Can you help/ advise? Thanks in advance
Not quite, the Firmware updated successfully there: Firmware flashed fine, but your connection after fails: Did you remember to click reset when on the BlackBox as per the onscreen message before trying to connect?
When you were flashing, sure you were on the BlackBox tab (didn't maybe flash Interface firmware to it?) Retry, make sure to flash BlackBox X32 firmware (correct tab) and let it run though again. Press reset. Then try to connect If that doesn't work, try latest CONTROL https://github.com/OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL/blob/master/CHANGELOG.txt - v1.0.370 is very old (Jun 2023) and there were some changes to flashing tools in V1.0.381 (you should be on V1.0.388 by now) Download from OpenBuilds Software: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM - FREE software to run your CNC, Laser, Plasma or Pen Plotter
Ive tried the above, including press hold mode button and press the rest before releasing rest. same error, see attach screenshot.
Was there any issues originally, why did you start down the firmware update path? Was there a specific issue you tried to address with the update? Or is it a brand new controller setup? (Don't think so because its still FTDI, newer ones are Silabs) Just trying to add the history to the issue, because the chip is still alive (flashes succesfully - at least from the very limited screenshot, would need to see the full flash log to see if all three images wrote) so if there was something like a wiring short that was causing other (even seemingly unrelated issues) before it may now be preventing booting.
Hi Peter, I got it. I powered down the X32 blackbox, and it accepted it! working now thanks. Ive no clue and to what Im doing - just tried everything!! thanks again!!!