z axis goes down fine but then it can only go up about a quarter inch before it make a grinding noise and it wont go up any further. I checked a post saying check the wiring and "Grubscrews on shaft coupler rattled loose causing mechanical slippage when working harder to lift the Z axis" but they seem fine. I'm trying to move it by hand back to the top with the motor removed but am unsuccessful so I can look at the bottom half of the screw.
Sounds like the symptoms in first section of docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] (along with lack of torque, grinding noise almost always comes from a stepper where only 3 of the 4 wires are making solid contact through to the controller.)
found it, it was actually a screw that had backed out and would push against the rail going upward but not down.
How did you end up taking everything off to get to that screw? i have the same problem at the moment and dont want to dig to deep into tear apart