My wife purchased a falcon 2 40 watt laser module as a present (after consulting her brother). I had built a sphynx style cnc router a few years ago and he thought I needed a laser for it. Has anyone dug into the controls for these modules? I use large Q-Switch pulsed lasers for work 1/2 to 1 joule per pulse. Looking online I have the following pinout 10 wires total 3 wires : +24 volts 3 wires : -24 volts 1 wire: From Controller to Laser 1 wire: From Controller +5 volts 1 wire: From Controller RX +3.3 volts 1 wire: From Laser TX +3.3 volts The page I got the pinout from was for a universal adapter. I didn't dig into their code, but from the additional comm lines I assume that this unit doesn't take a PWM input.