Hello all , new to using openbuilds software to see gcode files to cnc. I usually use UGS . I do a lot of 3d models that usually have large file sizes when creating the finishing pass with small bit. Anyways. I noticed that openbuilds software won’t open larger gcode files (basically refusing) as with UGS it will open but with a warning. Is there a setting or something that will allow these larger files to be opened in openbuilds ?
Read carefully. Opens it just fine, can run it can use it can preview it all. Just "doesnt show it in gcode editor" The gcode editor with syntax highlighting etc uses a LOT of memory. And come on you arent editing a million line gcode editor by hand anyway, so why bother wasting resources to load it in there. Thats why we tell you: [quote from https://github.com/OpenBuilds/OpenB...67e5933861fa2d2ff082edb4c/app/js/main.js#L174 ] editor.session.setValue("GCODE is too large (" + (data.length / 1024).toFixed(0) + "kB) to load into the GCODE Editor. \nIf you need to edit it inside CONTROL, please use a standalone text editing application and reload it "); [/quote] Just the gcode editor doesn't show the huge file