Literally turned on my Surface, it updated, and coords not changing. OpenBuilds machine from 2016 that I haven't touched settings, or even the troubleshooting tab at all since getting a Black Box and using CONTROL several years ago. At the suggestion of the only article that turned up in Search for 1.0.377, I did the following. Turned off Black Box, disconnected USB, powered off entire table, relaunched CONTROL. No change. I did notice that I couldn't find how to look at settings that I remembered from years past, and while doing that noticed Dark Mode was a thing. Clicked that and now the Grbl Settings tab is there. This was also someone's issue in that short thread. Before touching any of the things under the Diagnostics, currently ALL items, except Show GPU Information, say Disable in front of them. Do those change to Enable when you click one to go revert? Guessing I'm finding out as I think it is DRO that I'm looking for. Clicked that, CONTROL looks to have reloaded and now the coords all say Disabled instead of 0.000. The selection in Diagnostics put a check next to it, so answered that question. Went back into Diagnostics, clicked DRO line again, CONTROL reloaded, displays went back to 0.000 and they do not update when jogging. My $$ list from the console Code: [09:42:25] [ update ] You are already running OpenBuilds CONTROL 1.0.377 [09:42:29] [ $J=G91G21Y2.54F10000 ] ok [09:42:30] [ $J=G91G21Y2.54F10000 ] ok [09:42:30] [ $J=G91G21X2.54F10000 ] ok [09:42:31] [ $J=G91G21X2.54F10000 ] ok [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $0=10 ;Step pulse time, microseconds [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $1=255 ;Step idle delay, milliseconds [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $2=0 ;Step pulse invert, mask [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $3=1 ;Step direction invert, mask [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $4=1 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $5=0 ;Invert limit pins, boolean/mask [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $6=0 ;Invert probe pin, boolean [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $10=1 ;Status report options, mask [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $11=0.020 ;Junction deviation, millimeters [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $20=0 ;Soft limits enable, boolean [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $21=0 ;Hard limits enable, boolean [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $22=0 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL) [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $23=3 ;Homing direction invert, mask [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $24=100.000 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $25=1000.000 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $26=250 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $27=5.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $30=24000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $31=0 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $100=26.667 ;X-axis steps per millimeter [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $101=26.667 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $102=200.000 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $110=10000.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $111=10000.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min [09:43:53] [ $$ ] $112=2500.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min [09:43:54] [ $$ ] $120=50.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 [09:43:54] [ $$ ] $121=50.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 [09:43:54] [ $$ ] $122=50.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 [09:43:54] [ $$ ] $130=1320.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters [09:43:54] [ $$ ] $131=1275.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters [09:43:54] [ $$ ] $132=68.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters [09:43:54] [ $$ ] ok I did a cut yesterday, which ran fine, it is just really unnerving to not be able to see the coords and such while the machine is moving. Just realized the 3D view is not moving either which I didn't notice yesterday, but will now.
hi, I see on the installed Controll that it tells me that there is version 1.0.381 but on the site I see 1.0.376. what am I doing wrong? Thank you
Nothing. 1.0.376 is "current" - newer development versions in pipeline for eventual release once nicely tested etc. Its not "out" yet, its in internal testing, etc. Changelog for upcoming versions is public info because lots of parties are interested, waiting for, or curious about whats going to be in the next release, or things like "has their reported bug been looked at" etc, that sort of thing, ahead of the release. We don't release for every little change (but every little change does have a version number bump internally), too many people complained about the regular updates. If there is an update actually available, you'll get a notification and it will start update as always
Hello, I'm using OpenBuildsControl on Ubuntu 22.04 and cannot get it to flash firmware to a ESP-Wroom-32. Once I start a flash, I cannot abort it to try to get back to try to connect again on the main screen. "flashing, please wait.." is shown in the port list. I've tried to use the Abort button under Troubleshooting but that doesn't seem to help. I am putting the ESP into Download mode by holding the BOOT button down while pressing the RST button, wait a second then release the BOOT button per the ESP instructions. How do I go about further troubleshooting this issue? I've tried v1.0.385, 386 and currently using 388. Thanks for any help you can provide. -Carey
Try a windows PC. And consider a Blackbox X32 instead of the bare ESP (to entitle you to tech support)
Pocket 1OPENBUILDSOSU_1-Pocket 1INCHES_1-Pocket 1.GCODE Can someone please check this file for errors, keep getting errors. I've completed this file before on genmitsu 3030, having issues with my 4030 with the extention kit. I'm new to cnc, any help or suggestions would be appreciated
What controller is on the machine? (OpenBuilds BlackBox?) What software are you using (For CAM and for Host?)
Hi How to disable auto start CONTROL when turn my old laptop on every time Just bought mini PC and touchscreen to use it only with only CONTROL and working good to run my cnc, so this feature will be great but control doesn’t turn on automatically need to activate it