Hi, I got my machine up and running with a lot of helps from some really great people here.now i was wonder if its possible for the Open Build Controller software to do auto leveling? I got such a big build (4'x10') and it be great to have the system probe the bed before a run. Can this be done, if so where can I get the instructions. Peter
The OpenbuildsCONTROL software cannot do this. It is designed to be simple for beginners and you are now venturing into advanced territory. The only one I know can do it is bCNC but I think you will have to scan the bed for every job. Most of us just fly cut the entire bed (or a sacrificial layer on top of it) to flatten it. bcnc autolevel vlachoudis/bCNC
Alternative suggestion: Use the surfacing Wizard under Wizards and Tools to flatten the bed so you don't need to probe
OK...I saw the surfacing option on the new Open Build software and did that yesterday. It took 4 hours to surfaced the 4' x 10' bed..OK..now to finish cutting my boat parts!!!! I really like this control box...will add the laser option later.. : )
Estlcam also does auto leveling. It has a ton of other features as well. Although, you would need a ton of aluminum tape... ...or a probe.
this software be nice but i need made circuit and this software dont have autolevel so i say 0.1mm for cut line in circuit .pls import option to next update.i can't use another software and i love openbuild software.good luck man.
by 'this software' i take it you mean OpenBuildsCONTROL. CONTROL is beginners software, somewhere to start that is easy to use. Autolevel is an advanced need, and for that you need advanced software. The post above says Eslcam can do it. My post a few posts above that says bCNC can do it, thi sis what I use. I use a limit switch on a magnet that sticks to the collet nut as my probe for probing surfaces. This is very accurate, easily within 0.03mm so your 0.1mm cut is quite accurate enough for PCB making. (BTW ChatGPT and other AI systems do a very good job of translating to and from English, so please use that if you don't understand what I said)
HI Dear I try AutoLeveling With Eslcam but this software not work with All AVR Microcontroller and i try Made Code for OpenbuildsControll. I want to write this code in a way that it can be installed as a relative file on any operating system, preferably or usually Windows, with one click, and I also gave it a series of properties. I hope can complete this file during installation.I really like OpenBuildsControll software that I'm working with, and I want to personalize this option and add it to the software so that more professional users can use it.Because the software in question is open source and we can add the method to the macro, a plugin, or an extension, it has this capability.Please try my software after I design it and tell me the results. Thank you, friends.
Instead of creating an installation file, I was able to write a code that can be added to the OpenBuild Control software macro section (just create a new macro and add the code to the JavaScript section) and professionally check the work surface points that have higher or lower parts by manually selecting values and output them in the software. Please test and let me know the result to see if it works correctly. Of course, I tested it in a virtual environment or the software simulator and it was correct. I am providing this code for free. Good luck and victory, friends.
I love this software. Friends, if you need new code for another process, I can write it for you and provide it to you. This software can be perfect. I would like to ask for your suggestions.
Awesome, please post a write up Getting started with Javascript Macros in CONTROL / Library of Macros created by the community with screenshots and details (see format of other posts in thread) when its finished (just does the probe so far, so when you've added proper auto levelling (split line segments, add z offsets, used threejs to draw the probe offset as a mesh etc)