Hello! I need some help probing xyz on my sieg x2 mini mill. It's able to probe something that's not conductive on its surface using the XYZ probe I.E. Anodized aluminum, wood, etc etc. I'm having trouble trying to figure out the XYZ probing for something that has continuity with the endmill/spindle. EDIT: I decided to go with a tool setter and 3d touch probe setup. I found a tool setter macro on the forum, so I think I can get that to work. The 3d touch probe seems straight forward enough to setup wiring wise. I bought this Amazon.com Brown: DC24V Green:Tool Setting Signal Output White:DC24V Yellow:Tool Setting Stroke Protection Any tips on setting this up w/ the 3d touch probe? Can they share the same signal output since they are not being used at the same time? The x32 only has one connector for the probe. Thanks
They can only share the same input if they are both NO type probes. The tool setter is NC, so you will need to set $6=1 to use it (probe pin invert).
Gotcha, so since they NC and NO, I can’t share the same input. How would I go about setting it then? EDIT: it seems this tool setter can be used in NC or NO. I see the same exact one from another seller on Amazon.
Always safer to use NC if you can. You can connect two NO to the same input in parallel (with $6=0), or two NC in series (with $6=1), but if you want to mix them, you need an additional circuit. For example: Blackbox w/ support for 3D Touch probe and Tool Height Sensor?
I finally got the parts in and I installed them. I ended up opting for the NPN-NC version of the 3D touch probe and NC version for the tool setter. I got it wired in series like below. Tool Setter when testing for continuity, it beeps when pressed, so that works out. 3D touch probe when triggered doesn't beep. When I go and test voltage with the board powered on, not triggered reads 0.8v and full trigger reads 4.7v. When I go and just test voltage on sig from 3d touch probe with it unconnected, it reads 0v not triggered and 4.7v triggered. There is zero continuity though untriggered. When I keep the connector at the blackbox disconnected, blackbox off, everything wired as the pic; tool setter does not read continuity at all even though it's not pressed. Tool setter works when the touch probe gets voltage. Am I missing something? Thanks
I suspect your probe has an ‘open collector’ output, rather than a switch (npn in the description). Try connecting the ‘com’ of the probe directly to gnd on the BB and connect the tool setter between the sig output of the tool setter and the sig input to the BB. You may also need to connect an additional resistor (e.g. 10 k ohm) between the sig output of the 3D probe and +5V to get them to work correctly. Sorry, replying from phone, so can’t do a diagram!
So basically swap the tool setter to be in series via the signal wire from the 3D probe instead of com and add a 10k resistor to 5v and sig coming out of the 3d probe. I’ll give that a try. I haven’t actually tested to see if it registers on a an action yet. Maybe I’ll try that first with the xyzprobe macro just to see if anything triggers and estop if nothing happens. I’ll try to wire it up the other way with a resistor and give it a try. Another question for ya, on that macro you shared, does that also include the macro for 3D probe too? I looked over it briefly and only saw tool setter variables/definitions in there. thanks for all your help man!
Yes. You may not need the resistor - try without, I *think* it will be ok. No - later in the Macro thread there is one I posted for finding the centre of raised features, and I think Peter VdW posted one earlier in that thread for finding the centre of holes. The normal ‘Z’ probe routine will work for finding surfaces. I don’t know of a general one in Control.
Use the Troubleshooting tab to test Activate probes by hand watching the Probe pin status on Troubleshooting tab
Okay, turns out I had it wired like you said the first time but without the resistor. (Tool Setter in series on the Sig output of 3D probe) When I go to probe Z, both the 3d probe and the tool setter trigger "Error No: 2 numeric value not valid"
Include serial log, but possibly set up Custom Probe under Probe type, but entered invalid numbers for offsets in the Gear icon popup?
I was able to get it to work! Thanks guys! Is there any way we can change the travel of the probe move? I've got some stock thats near the limit of my x axis and its a little too close for comfort. It moves about 20mm in x and y. I only really need it to move 5-8mm or so. Also! I setup the custom probe in control. I redid the section to prep the USB for Interface. Interface xyzprobe triggers the Error still. What's needed for me to transfer the probe info over correctly to the USB for use in Interface?
Just https://docs.openbuilds.com/doku.php?id=docs:interface:wifi-setup-nextgen (make sure your CONTROL is up to date - should be on V1.0.388) and make sure Interface firmware is up to date https://docs.openbuilds.com/doku.php?id=docs:interface:firmware-update-control (Should be on V1.58) Not using the wizard no, custom macros - or just move stock over a bit Interface officially only works with XYZ Touch Probe Plus However, you can edit macros on the USB after transferring - as its not a plate but a collet mounted probe - you can add fixed offsets in probe (no variables needed for endmill diameter)
Any leads on a custom macro that I can use? And how do I bring in those custom macros to the USB? Copy and paste json? text? I want to bring in the tool length install macro from misterg and the other macros like the center finder and raised feature center finder. Also, I figured out that the probe stuff in the utilities section in interface work. But the standard probe stuff in the USB doesnt work. Shouldn't they be the same? Thanks for all your help!
Interface can't run advanced javascript macros like those... Interface macros are plain old gcode. Check the PROBE folder on the USB stick after preparing it (open PRB files in notepad or any similar text editor, plain old gcode) No, INTERFACE "oficially" only supports XYZ Touch Probe Plus as per earlier's In the docs: docs:interface:usage-probe [OpenBuilds Documentation] (also note very first line below the header)
Gotcha. So basically super limited interface. I'm just going to go a different route then. Was really looking forward to the no PC route... Thanks!
hey man! I got everything to work for the most part. I’m using your macro for tool setting and I run across a bug maybe? when setting reference tool and then doing the tool change, it hangs and doesn’t do anything when I click new tool. But when I exit out of it and can jog the machine somewhere else, it’ll let me probe the new tool. is the workflow supposed to be home > xyz origin> tool change> set reference tool > run job > tool change > new tool > go back to job ? If so that would make sense.
There’s no particular workflow needed - obviously the machine needs to be homed after power up, and you need to set a reference tool before you can set a new tool, but that should be it. It does look like the behaviour you see is a bug, but it’ll be a couple of weeks before I’m back with my machine to take a look.
sounds good, i'll be out of the country as well starting next week for about 3 weeks, so no rush. Thanks!
So I looked into the code a bit and it gave me a hint as to why its happening. There's no if statement to check to see if it's already in G30, so when the gcode gets sent, it's ignored and it just hangs at "Moving to probe location (G30)" . In the video I showed, the toolhead's tool change location and tool probe location was the same spot (G28 = G30). When I changed G28 to some other location, it worked. So to summarize, G28.1 and G30.1 cannot be the same place as there's nothing in place to check if the tool is already at G30 by parsing info from some command like m114 and then using " if (current_position_x == 0 && current_position_y == 0) " . It may be safe to also put the same check for G28 movement as well. I haven't written javascript in a while, but I can somewhat read it still haha.