When setting up the openbuilds probe I use a brass 6.35 mm rod. After running the probe app and then moving the bit to the X,Y,Z=0 position the probe moves to a position that is off-set from the corner of the blank. The actual center point for the work blank is X,Y,Z=0 but the centre of the bit is off by 6.35mm/2 in the X and Y axis. Is this where the bit is supposed to "land" and if not, how do I fix it so the centre of any bit is always at the X,Y,Z=0 position.
Correct diameter entered in wizard? Machine calibrated correctly? Correct probe type selected in Probe Wizard?
Correct diameter entered, correct probe type selected, machine calibrated. If I remember correctly, the probe is supposed to probe inside the hole. Mine, for some reason is now moving to the outside edges and probing there. Any other suggestions?
Inside vs Outside depends on which tab you are on. XYZ = just outside. Auto = first outside, then checks endmill diameter inside the hole
Problem solved. Now for my purposes, I always want the centre of whatever bit I am using to be at the bottom/left corner of the work which is why I use a straight 6.35 mm brass rod for probing. Any comments on that practice?
Correct, that's exactly what the probe does. See If yours is not on the corner of the stock on a GOTOZERO after probing, something is wrong with the machine (loose shaft couplers, calibration, slipping or binding mechanically, max rate or acceleration set too high etc)