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Interface shutting off mid-job, after years of faithful service

Discussion in 'Interfaces' started by Banjopete, Mar 10, 2025.

  1. Banjopete

    Banjopete Well-Known

    Nov 10, 2020
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    hi folks, I'm stumped, and am wondering if my interface (or my blackbox, or PS) has tapped out and said I've had enough?

    Like the title says, it worked just great from the start. I had one replaced due to the faulty usb on the early batches but it's been awesome since. In a recent job it just shut off, went black, and reset mid-job. I checked the electrical connections, thinking maybe all the jobs had shaken something loose but couldn't find it. Wiggling wires didn't reproduce any errors. I've repeated the errors running the same job, from the same program, haven't tested with another job. I'm years behind on firmware updates, can't imagine that's the issue, but will try updates.

    After seeing other threads indicating interface shutoff is likely a power issue I checked power levels. My power supply is an openbuilds unit, it's firing out 24v (23.9ish volts) steady, without a hint of anything else to the blackbox. Out of the black box I'm getting constant 4.8v to the interface.

    I had emi issues years ago but dealt with that, the error/reset happens with and without the vacuum running too. I'm running a dewalt router as well.

    When the reset happens the blackbox is running. I suspected maybe it was crapping out but power is steady and it never turns off from anything I can see (fan running, voltage steady).

    Any ideas? openbuilds heroes?
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    David the swarfer likes this.
  3. Banjopete

    Banjopete Well-Known

    Nov 10, 2020
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    Thanks Peter, I was testing the power output from the blackbox at the interace side, and the power never wavered when the cord was jiggled or twisted so I don't think that's it but I will check this as I should still have a duplicate cable to test with.

    I'll run through it all once more when the firmware is updated, and will reload the job just on the off-chance it's something in there. Beyond that I don't quite know where to start next?

    I suppose the logical next step is to run a program through control, and see if I have any issues then at least I'll know it's the interface. If the interface is the culprit can I suspect that internally the ~5v power it needs isn't staying/getting to the circuit it needs to be since it's always resetting?
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
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    Mar 1, 2017
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    Apart from the cable, and if the voltage is stable, only other cause might just be that its on its last legs, and time for a fresh new one :) (it been reworked through the years too)

    4.8V is in spec (shouldn't drop out until it drops to around 4.4v) but you can see if you can power it externally via USB using a USB-C cable and spare phone charger as well to see if it stays up with additional power

    Yes solid idea, just to rule out the BlackBox (multimeter might miss short voltage dips, they tend to "average")

    Unlikely to help for the particular issue https://github.com/OpenBuilds/firmware/blob/main/interface/CHANGELOG.txt
  5. Banjopete

    Banjopete Well-Known

    Nov 10, 2020
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    Well I think I found my issue today after trying some more. I tried to finish my job by doing it manually as I was just facing off an aluminum plate. I got 60% of the way through and no issues just as I was thinking why does it crap out just when running a program then boom, off it goes, off then reset back on. So stubbornly thinking no home, no resetting work coordinates I'll just finish and push through but this time I got about a centimetre and off it goes but this time the interface buttons are blinking, and the light on the black box is also blinking. This is new. Power off, power on now I'm getting nothing to the interface, no light on the black box, fan is going but no light, nothing on the interface. I checked power, power supply still kicking 24v, check power to the interface and I got nothing, 0V. The fan is still on the blackbox but seemingly nothing else happening.

    So now I'm assuming the blackbox is dead. Disappointing but this has to be the reason for all my troubles. The interface shutoff was just the symptom of the intermittent voltage output.
  6. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Somewhere in that area, machine tugging just right at some wiring causing an intermittent short?
  7. Banjopete

    Banjopete Well-Known

    Nov 10, 2020
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    Unfortunately no. My blackbox and power supply are mounted side by side to the same post with no ability to move independently of each other and there's no tension in the wiring between them. I'll check the wiring one more time and try rewiring the power supply wire as an added measure. Like I said though as I left it yesterday I had no 5v power coming out of the black box with 24v going in. I'd really like to avoid buying another blackbox if there's anyway of bringing this one back.
  8. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
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    Mar 1, 2017
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    Limits are 5v, and mounted to moving parts, and can short causing shutdown of 5V rail etc, not just PSU side
  9. Banjopete

    Banjopete Well-Known

    Nov 10, 2020
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    I'm sorry I don't follow what you're saying about moving parts and shutting down the rail?

    I was seeing 4.8v steady earlier but now there is no power coming out. Is there a fuse or something I can look at inside the Blackbox? Is it possible to get the <5v output back from 0?
  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
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    Mar 1, 2017
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    Unplug all wiring except PSU and measure again.

    Wiring shorts can temporarily shutdown 5V rail, or burn out the regulator and make it permanent. Still feels like a short somewhere. Well, most likely, BlackBox would keep going until damaged by something...

    I said: possible short. You countered with PSU and BlackBox ain't moving

    So i pointed you back at the fact that was anyway never the likely place for a short to happen. 5V rail shut down not 24v. So look at stuff running from 5V, like limits (Limit Switches in short form) for the source of short that we gather from symptoms

    And where is a short most likely to form. Either initally wired wrong, or... On a machine, in use for a while, wires mounted to a moving frame. Tugged, pulled, flexed strained and bent. Terminals rattle loose, wires break, strain points form, etc...time to investigate
  11. Banjopete

    Banjopete Well-Known

    Nov 10, 2020
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    Great thanks, I appreciate all the info. I hope I'm not coming across as fighting your direction, I'm just slow to follow but do truly appreciate the hand holding.

    So following your suggestions I pulled all the wiring off the black box, nothing but the 24v from the power supply coming in, nothing plugged in going out. I checked again for voltage out on the power supply side, and still no power out to the interface plugs. I checked the stepper/limit switch side, and no voltage out to the limit switches either. I have no LED on the top/face, but do have a light/LED on side of the black box.

    Checking downstream I took a look at all the limit switch wires first and did come across a hanging signal wire on my z-limit switch! There was some tension on wiring to the switch, and I guess it finally showed itself. I really wish it had presented in a different manor.

    If that could short into the V+ or GND and cause this issue then I guess I've found my problem. When I run programs I always home the machine so my limit switches were always confirmed working prior to the start of the cutting. I homed before the first manual effort I made. The very last manual facing effort (the one that killed it?) I didn't home at all as I didn't want to lose the z-height so that may have been the final detachment on the signal wire that fully shorted?

    This seems like it must have been my issue? I couldn't see anything elsewhere in the wiring that was an obvious culprit. No other detached items, nothing frayed, or rubbing. This will be a great opportunity to re-run some wiring since it's all stripped back and untied. I've always had my router power in my wiring run, so maybe it's time to pull that out entirely, even if I'm not fighting EMI anymore.

    cheers, and I guess I'm up for a new blackbox at this point unless there's some last form of blackbox CPR I can do.
  12. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes sadly that seems to be the cause then, and per the test, damaged permanently. No CPR will help, short damage usually quite extensive. Do go over all wiring yes, nows the time to freshen it all up to prevent damage to a new BlackBox.

    PS: Also remember to order correct cable for Interface if you don't have the right one docs:interface:connect-blackbox-x32 [OpenBuilds Documentation]
    Banjopete likes this.

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