So I've been using Carbide Create for a few months now. I used Carveco for a little bit until my 90 day free trial ran out I didn't like the fact it didn't have a MAC interface. I was running it on a VR on my mac and it was kind of sketchy had Issues. But I loved it it was a great software. So I've been Bata testing Carbide Create V8 I like it a lot straightforward no B.S. BUT!! I went to run a project the other day I set the XYZ and when I went to run the project the end mill didn't even touch the wood. Wood was level. Machine is level, waste board is level X gantry is level. Ive never run into this problem before so I was thinking its not software related (MAYBE?) I just rebuilt the top end of the machine Kind of looks like a mini leads machine now. it where I took my inspiration from. But back to my point. Why would it do this. And is there another CAD software that not overly complicated to design with (NOT F-360) I wouldn't mind the OpenBuilds CAD software but you can't click and drag your pieces around without the whole work area spinning Or at least IDK how to make it stop doing that. Im looking for something not overly complicated straight forward but not basic
I use progeCAD it functions almost identical to AutoCAD but it has 3D capabilities and you could make DXF files with ease