Hello, I purchased a Lead 1515 kit, with all the extra goodies, and finally have it all set up. Jogging works fine, I updated all the software to the latest versions and, to the best of my knowledge, followed the youtube video for mechanical and electrical build to the letter. The only thing I haven't really set up yet is the probe - I figured I'll get the basics working first. The issue I have is that none of my endstops seem to register. I've checked the wire order and I'm as certain as I can be that they're wired correctly. The light on the endstop does turn on when it's depressed. However, if I'm running a jog with the CNC Touch and I manually depress an endstop, it doesn't stop moving. If I accidentally over-jog on an axis, the machine plows right through the endstop (displacing it) and makes a godawful grinding sound that I can only hope is the stepper skipping steps. The home button on the CNC touch appears inactive as well. I assume there's something in my machine config that I need to update so it detects these endstops, but I'm not sure what, nor how. I've tried searching both the web and the forums (and the forums specifically via Google, using search operators) and all I found was a really old post that mentioned updating the gerber file. I wasn't able to find anything on how to do that properly either. The lack of existing questions on this topic leads me to believe it's something I did wrong, and something most people don't. Is there some guide I'm missing somewhere? I'm not even sure how to do additional troubleshooting at this point, but I'm hesitant to actually run the machine with a router until I know the baseline functionality is in place.
Did you remember to enable Hard Limits and Homing (or at least tick ON the Xtensions Limits Add-on which does it for you) in GrblHAL Settings tab?
I certainly did not... I didn't know I needed to, but that sounds exactly like the problem. Is that somewhere in the OpenBuilds CONTROL software?
Last part of video. Application slightly different, newer than video, but same concepts to load machine profile, just include which add-ons you have too (not in video, added later to software, very easy to understand on screen). Save and reset. Follow video for shakedown with Hello World cuts Then for a first test Probe: Also, please review start [OpenBuilds Documentation] - make sure BlackBox is wired per docs, computer set up right, familiarised yourself with all the Important Note sections, read up the Probe docs, read the software sections, etc
That first video is what I used to set everything up. However, my time wasn't uninterrupted, so it's very possible I missed steps. I went back and skimmed and everything seemed like I'd done it; clearly I hadn't. Thanks so much for the help and great resources! What I had not seen before was that open builds docs website. That is *exactly* what I was looking for. Thanks so much!!!