Hey All, I really liked the printer DiggerJ made (yep, the pink one) Pink Panther and was wondering about where/who I could get the printed parts from and how much they would cost? Thanks for any help Thanks Pat
Sorry guys, been crazy times lately. My daughter got married today. It was great, and she marries a really good young man. I have been trying to get the build kit together for feenix3k. Should be able to get it finished on Monday. While the Pink Panther is a nice printer, I have been making some changes to it while building the kit for feenix3k. I am trying to make the carriages more adaptable to use either a standard LM8UU, or bronze/oilite bushings. I saw your private post, and will need a couple of days to ship off the guests and relatives from the wedding, and then we can determine what you need, color, etc. Hang in there with me.
Hi DiggeerJ, Well, Congratulations are definitely in order then. Probably a bit nervous yourself the last couple of days I would bet. But also big sigh of relief today as well. You have my email in the private discussion so just shoot me a line when you are ready and tell me how much. Thank you again Pat p.s. will this be the same size as the Pink Panther? I read where it was bigger than the Lautr3k I think. pat
The Pink Panther has a 300x300 heat bed and print plate. It will print to almost the entire area. The shortage up to now has been the area of the clips holding the glass, but the new bed area doesn't use the clips. It is less expensive to build than the Lautr3k, and properly tuned, prints very well. It is a combination of several parts from different Open Source creators (including me) and some common sense understanding about how the motion forces are happening on the printer. Reinforcement where it makes sense, but now for "coolness" sake.