Hi everyone, I am trying to connect two c beams together, but can't think of a good way to do it. I've attached a photo of the components I want to join. I tried to use an L bracket, but the bracket is too short, it will not work (the t nuts will clash with the end plates). Does anyone have a different way to do this?
Hello Adam, Bye some aluminum angle, 2*2 " or larger, cut it to length and drill 4 or 8 holes in it, that's the easy way. If you want to use only OpenBuilds parts then use a 40 mm long 20*20 V-Slot with two L supports or 4 90º corners. By the way, why don't you show your design here? -Ronald
Thanks ronald, I'm happy to show my design here, its just that there's not much more to it right now than what I took a photo of
It's a start and we are happy to show you what can be possible. Now we know it's going to be a 3D printer you might use the "legs" for the Z axis as corner supports, for example 20*40 or 40*40, that is if you move the bed up and down; this is why I asked to show your design as we have no idea what will be going on . -Ronald
Okay I will upload my project. What is the best file format for CAD files? Is it okay to upload inventor native format?
You can use any file structure you like. Its best to share in multiple formats so that others have the opportunity to use them as well. You can zip them in the files upload section in the Submit A Build form. Looking forward to your build.
Maybe give this a try if it isn't too tall for your needs? If possible extend the block you are using to hold the bearings for your lead screw a few inches to provide you with an additional spacer the same thickness as the lead screw bearing holder? Then tap and thread it for your corner bracket? http://openbuildspartstore.com/spacer-block/