Once our routers have been constructed and tested the search is on for free software to create the tool-paths necessary to make our stuff. V-Carving can produce excellent results for house names, signs etc. and the free software F-Engrave http://www.scorchworks.com/Fengrave/fengrave.html does just this and more. This is just an offcut from an old (unwanted and cheaply purchased) English Oak bookcase but it serves to illustrate the principle of V-Carving. Tweakie.
You rock Tweakie this looks fantastic! I think this should be a resource for sure I just pick up a cent table leaf someone was throwing out the other day. Its about 1" thick wood that i just could not let go to the trash. I have to try a V bit carving on it now!
Thanks Mark. I normally use commercial engraving software (which cost in excess of $2000) but just as an example of what F-Engrave can do it was used to create the tool path for this 0.5mm text height rotary engraving. I do appreciate that not everybody would want to do this but it does, I think, show the versatility of this software. Tweakie.
Hi Rick, It was a 20 Deg. engraving point - only one out of a pack of five (imported from China) was suitable, the rest had too much run-out for work this size. Tweakie.
Hi Donald, Unzips OK here - perhaps you could try using 7zip http://www.7-zip.org Hope this helps. Tweakie.