Super nice job Michael! I'm finally the point with my bot where I can cut things and not spend more time cleaning them up than cutting them. I really like the sign idea and will put that on my build list soon.
Thanks for the compliment. I too am in the same spot with my bot. I'm really running it through its paces. I was really skeptical about the belts being run by Nema 34 steppers, but they are staying nice and tight even after many hours of use. The acrylic signs have taken off and am having fun producing them. This winter I do plan on doing a bed size upgrade from the present 22"x29" to 28" x 40 and an upgrade to the Y axis to beef up the cross members. The axis is flexing a bit when I try machining aluminum.
Thanks, I originally had made a few just to test the capability of my bot. The base and the acrylic engraving what the bot could do and check the accuracy of the axis'. I am using Mach3 with the 2010 screen set. The combination of those two made setup, calibration and tool change a breeze. I highly recommend the 2010 screenset. I think I just got carried away. I just like the way my bot turned out. Anyway, I'm making a lot of those now. Maybe 25 hours of machine time a week.
were did you get the electronics, I want to use Nema 34s and Mach 3 as well, but am nervous about getting the electronics to work if you get them from anyone off the net.
Nice job, like those lit plexiglass signs ... they are next on my list now that I have myOX running quite smoothly with hours on end with no issues (except for programmer errors).
Most of the products used in my build were either acquired from the OpenBuilds parts store or from Ebay. The Nema 34's were a Ebay purchase as surplus steppers. As long as you are dealing with a reputable dealer there shouldn't be a problem. I got Mach3 directly from Newfangled Solutions, no problem there. The Nema 34's I used don't really have that much torque, around 350 ounce/inch. I am thinking of backing down to Nema 23's with 490 ounce/inch.
Thanks, Yes, those programming errors seem to creep up on me too. The plexiglass signs are proving to be a good product for me.
I'm totally new to this and your design looks like a good place to start. I'm a retired Electronics Eng, so should be able to understand that side of things (hopefully) and should'nt have too much difficulty with the hardware if its well explained. The software may give me the jitters but hopefully I'll get through it OK. Looking forward to your design completion and details of the build. Thanks and well done!