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C-Beam™ Machine - Plate Maker

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Mark Carew, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Hi Jonatan. You can trust that yours are all 4988's if they work without reversing the orientation of the adjustment screw. As we were noting, if you put either flavor in backwards the thing will burn out as soon as power is applied. If they are working, there's no question what you have.

    The only color I've seen 8825's in is purple. That is good. But if some maker is using purple for the 4988's too, that's going to be a problem unless we can clearly read the chip labels. I just wish I could remember the company's name.

    Getting old sometimes sucks. Fist you lose your hair on top, then hair grows in new places and before you know it you hearing goes and get blind as a bat. All about the time you figure out what the girls really want - well, maybe not that, but you ARE much smarter about most things, you just don't have the energy to fully chase them. :)
    Mark Carew likes this.
  2. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Stargeezer, you're probably thinking Pololu but the vast majority of the clones also use the same color. A quick search of ebay shows you can get them in red and blue if desired however.
  3. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Hi Rick. They are also in white, black and about every other color. It seems like somebody decides they have too much of some paint color in stock and so they spray everything that color.

    Getting back on topic a little bit, I am running a five axis board on one machine, with Mach 3 and the other machine has one of the cheap GRBL boards on it with 4 4988's on it. It also runs fine. I'm playing around with Chilipepper on it, learning as I go.

    The 4925's I ordered a few weeks ago just arrived and they are going on a new build that will utilize bigger steppers on the x-y axis (270 oxin) and I'm going to put a nema 34 on the z axis. This will be dedicated to drilling and plunge milling operations. Of course the 34 will have a dedicated driver block all it's own.
  4. R_B

    R_B New

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Oh MAN_nnnn....
    I'm getting DIZZY just thinking about all this higher voltage, higher current, higher POW_AHH stuff.
    Images of 25 HP 3 phase 460 volt spindles being carried on fat I-beam gantries and driving grinders into cast iron a foot or more deep.... where does it end ?
    Shipyard scale ?

    Maybe I'll just build the base machine "as designed" and get started on the learning curve with some Styrofoam blocks from the local hobby shop - yeah, that is my plan of record (today).
    Serge E. and Mark Carew like this.
  5. R_B

    R_B New

    Jul 18, 2015
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    estlcam looks interesting and for $50 probably a good buy.
    I "assume" the name is derived from .stl files ?
  6. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Nobody says you must reinvent the wheel (or ox) with each build. Not even I would hand thread each bolt and nut, but that 25hp spindle motor sounds about right. ;)
  7. R_B

    R_B New

    Jul 18, 2015
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    END MILLS, etc.

    OK, so the day will come (EVENTUALLY) to put bits into the router and actually CUT something.
    Probably blocks of foam initially, then (soft ?)wood, eventually aluminum.

    What is the recommended "starter set" of end mills, ball end mills, slitters, slotters, threaders, whatever_all_ else ?
    Presumably carbide is the way to go - vs HSS ?
    micro100.com seems to have everything, but what should a beginner BUY ? (NOT "everything", due to budget constraints)

    I guess I am looking for the "beginner general purpose starter set".
  8. charliex

    charliex New

    Jan 19, 2015
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    i use the fish tail 2 flute end mills from precisebits http://precisebits.com/gateways/EndMillsHome.htm for cutting aluminium on the c beam. 0.125" i did gum one up with the wrong feed/chip clearing.

    using precisebits since about 2008 never gone wrong with them for me.

    fusion360 has also been great for me, i really liked it , solidworks with solidcam or hsmworks is definitely more indepth and can do a lot more, but so far digging the f360 experience.
    Fety Mann likes this.
  9. Laurence Carroll


    Jan 17, 2015
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    LOL sold faster than in the housing bubble going on in Auckland NZ these days...Laurie
  10. Atomist

    Atomist New

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Hey Mark, or anyone else, is this file posted somewhere on here or would you mind sharing it? I would like to mess around with it and would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
  11. Kyo

    Kyo Veteran
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Feb 27, 2014
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    Download the .zip file under the files tab. The project you are looking for is located within.
    CBeam Machine Control Software_7-21-15.zip\CBeam Machine GCode Examples\SketchUcam Aluminum Examples\1-8th Aluminum Examples\CBeam XY Sytem Example Plate
    Mark Carew likes this.
  12. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Hi Kyo. What RPM and feedrate would you recommend for this in AL with a 1/8" 2 or 4 flute carbide cutter? I'm never sure about this because I cut mostly wood, but now I also need to make some of these plates myself.
  13. Kyo

    Kyo Veteran
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    Feb 27, 2014
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    Mark would be a better person to ask then I on that. I have not started my c-beam build yet so have no first hand experience. I want to finish my fina build ( finial stages ) before starting this build. He did post a video of cutting this part and used a 2 flute 1/8 end mill and his Gcode is provided within the same folder.
  14. Kyo

    Kyo Veteran
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    Feb 27, 2014
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    Here is another Pololu driver 3 axis 24V mach3 / linux cnc option if you don’t feel like building your own. Not much for frills but it is only $35 Here.

    Mark Carew likes this.
  15. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Thanks pal. I was looking every place EXCEPT where it was. :) Best wishes.
  16. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Hey guys just wanted to let you know that we have added easy links to different 'chapters' of the Build
    This new list is located under the Build Video on the main Build page.

    Build Video Link Sections
    Click below for different chapters of the Video Build
    Z/X Axis
    Y Axis
    Software and Electronics Section
    First Cut Hello World

    Side Shields

    We also added @Tyler Harney s new 3D printable spindle mount Resource for the C-Beam Machine (Thanks Tyler :thumbsup:)
    Hope this helps

    @stargeezer check out the speeds and feeds calculator here:
    it will help you dial it in. I am using the Bosh colt router so there is no press set RPMs and I have to find the best location on the dial for the different materials being cut.
    Fety Mann likes this.
  17. motopreserve

    motopreserve Well-Known

    Jul 3, 2015
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    Congratulations! Looking forward to the spindle mount idea.
  18. R_B

    R_B New

    Jul 18, 2015
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    I got my bundle last Friday, but a last minute work commitment came up that kept me from starting the build until yesterday.
    This came up AFTER I had bugged openbuilds to hurry it along and bugged them for the tracking number, etc.

    Anyway, almost done but thought of a couple of things to add to Mark's EXCELLENT build video.
    1) I can't "DISAGREE" with the way he "squares" the nut blocks when tightening them down, in fact it is clearly "good practice" to hold the block down and press the screws against the same side of the holes before tightening them.
    In a perfect world where everything is straight, square, level, true and plumb this would work every time.

    Howeverrrrrr.... with the anti backlash nut blocks it turns out later that the lead screw doesn't run true down the center of the channel - unless forced to do so, which seems like the wrong thing to do.
    So, I have been getting the eccentrics set up, threading the lead screw through the nut block, adjusting the block for zero back-lash, THEN with the lead screw "free" (from bearings in end blocks) adjusting the nut block's hold screws to align the lead screw straight down the middle.
    2) The cast corners' "nubs" are a problem if you leave them on, at least in a lot of places where they don't drop into a channel.
    I tried to leave them on where they seemed to do some good, but got so frustrated with grinding one side then using the wrong side that I gave up - just ground them all off.
    3) Related to cast corners, there are a LOT of places where 10mm screws bottom out in the channel before the head contacts the cast corner. I think there are just WAY too many places where 10mm is called out, but 8mm is needed.
    BIG shortage of 8mm screws, BIG surplus of 10mm screws in the bundle.

    Impatience will send me to the hardware store for a BIG bag of 5mm washers this morning.

    Again, EXCELLENT video Mark, thanks.

    Also a round of applause for whoever figured out the packaging.
    While I am quite sure that a lot of us could work our way through this if all screws, spacers, etc of each type were put into one individual bag, having them counted out and individually packed into sub assembly bundles helps a LOT.
    We are just about ALL doing this for the first time, if I did a dozen builds it would be different, I would just KNOW how many of which go where and if there were leftovers.

    Thanks guys, GREAT build.
  19. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Great tips @R_B Thank you for sharing them and for the kind words! :thumbsup:
    We will look into making these corrections in the bundle to make it easier for everyone building the C-Beam Machine.
    Again thank you for your helpful feedback
  20. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    @Jonatan Rullman Be sure you have a shim sandwiched between the bearings as shown here Wheel Build Pic
    Without the shim it will become tight when the nut is tightened down.
  21. carbuthn

    carbuthn New

    Apr 3, 2015
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    I wanted to second the bundling of the parts, it made it much easier to assemble the machine. Also want to say that who ever does the packing, they are masters at bubble wrapping and tape. A semi truck could run over the box and not hurt the cast corners.
  22. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    @Jonatan Rullman can I ask where you bought your C-Beam machine? We ask because looking though the order history your name is not coming up. We also have not had any of the issues you are are experiencing with any of the C-Beam Machine bundles that have shipped. Please contact the Part Store Team at http://support.openbuilds.com/support/home and they will be sure to get this straightened out for you.
    @carbuthn thank you for the kind words I will be sure to tell the Team this as they take a lot of pride insuring that everything thing is right.
  23. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Thank you for your patience in being discrete as I am sure this re-seller must be working through dialing in this bundle pack. Putting together a bundle of parts like this can be difficult and some times there are errors that have to be corrected along the way.
    We are working on a new corner that will not have the alignment nubs on them as they can cause confusion during a build, but this should not affect your build. As the 10mm screws are for the cast corners when the alignment nubs on the back of the corners hold the corners up from the surface of the V-Slot. This is when the corner is sitting perpendicular to the slot on the V-Slot as seen in the build video.
    I thank you for this as I am sure they will want to tune in and help sort this out. I I would recommend that you contact them directly to sort out the build issues and missing parts your having, so that they can work on fine tuning their bundle packs to prevent others from going through these problems.
    Yes the C-Beam machine bundle that we sell offers the Anti Backlash Nut Block as a standard as well as all wheels are the Xtreme Solid V Wheel Kit and Xtreme Mini V Wheels
    We use 4 of the Xtreme Solid V Wheel Kit for the Y axis
    and 6 for the X axis
    We use 4 of the Xtreme Mini V Wheel Kits for the Z axis
    Hope this helps @Jonatan Rullman and hope your able to get things sorted and back to your build soon.
  24. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Agreed those little nubs are a pain and we hope to have them fixed soon. :)
  25. motopreserve

    motopreserve Well-Known

    Jul 3, 2015
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    For the record, filing off the nubs takes only a few strokes. I definitely think it's a benefit for when the nub is turned the other way than shown in the photo above - and the nubs are the only thing making contact.
  26. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Hello @Jonatan Rullman
    Depending on the direction you are putting the corner on the in relation to the slot of the V-Slot the corners nubs can cause a slight stand off (about 2mm).
    For this reason we use 10mm in some instances of connecting the corners during the build and 8mm in others.
    For example
    In the build video, you will notice that if the corner is in line with the V-Slot (as you have shown above) the corner will sit flush and you will be using 8mm screws.
    If the corner is sitting at 90 degrees to the slot,you will notice that the corner will not be sitting flush and instead will be up sitting on the nubs since this raises up the corners you will need to use the 10mm screws.
    Add a picture for clarification
    20150902_142213 (800 x 450).jpg
    Fety Mann likes this.
  27. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    No problem Jonatan, glad to hear it's sorted out :thumbsup:
  28. apburner

    apburner New

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Love the C-beam Machine. I am now saving my pennies to purchase one. I will be using it to cut centering rings and fins for high power rockets. Either in plywood or fiberglass. But I can also envision a time when I would perhaps want to build something a bit bigger and this would allow me to cut the plates to do so. Great little machine.
    Mark Carew likes this.
  29. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Glad to hear it @apburner :thumbsup: I love having this machine on my desk. When I get an idea I just go to town and cut it out. Looking forward to seeing the rocket parts you guys come up with.
  30. MetalDesigner


    Jul 23, 2015
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    Received my C-Beam Machine Kit very quickly and it was by far the most organized well put together packaging I have ever received.
    WELL DONE OpenBuilds!!
    Before putting it together decided to put all the parts into SolidWorks so I could have them if I want to re-design a different unit in the future and know what OpenBuilds parts to order.
    Today 3D-Printed up some ABS plastic End-Caps for the Extruded Aluminum.
    ~ CHEERS!!

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