Hey guys I'm Jules and I built an augmented cbeam machine instead of 500 X 500 i decided to build it 500 X 1000. I'm using the x pro v2 controler, and having trouble finding a post processor in the Photo Vcarve. I have had success with the browser based cad cam program Easel. I noticed that the files from Easel end with the extension .nc, so I tried all the post processors that use that ext. and it doesn't seem to work. If anybody has run into this I'd love some help.
the extension does not matter at all, what matters is the code inside the file. Gcode is a plain text format which you can edit with 'notepad' and similar editors. thus the extension does not change what is in the file. However, the different post-processors output various levels of 'more complex' Gcode. The xPro is based on GRBL, and GRBL likes very simple Gcode, just the basic codes of G0 G1 G2 G3 are supported. So you need to select a post processor that only outputs those codes, and none of the more complex codes like G81 and other 'canned cycle' codes. if you have a postprocessor for 'shapeoko', that is the one to use, otherwise you can Google for a post processor that supports GRBL.
Thanks David Hopefully I'll be up and running soon. I'll let everyone know how it's going and try to get some photos in here as well'