Hey so I have been making my way through the OX base build learning as I go but ran into a wall when hooking up the controller board. Can anyone help? I am trying to use grbl controller w/ the xPro board. It started promisingly enough - opened the right port (COM 4), baud rate (115200), and got the motors to jog. Then poof...lost the connection and get: "No data from COM port after connect. Expecting Grbl version string." I have tried every sequence of hooking USB/starting controller/plugging in PSU, reinstalling software, trying different controllers...and nothing. WHAT HAVE I DONE?! Any ideas? I attached a photo of my setup if it helps. Running Windows 7 64. thanks!! jb
Update: I have been talking w/ Mike at Spark Concepts re: my issues with the board. Apparently this is a known issue between the xPRO board and the GRBL Controller software (the GRBL Controller bricks the FTDI chip). The issue seems to be infrequent - Mike said that out of +300 boards shipped mine is only the second board to report this issue. He was very helpful with supplying a new board and will troubleshoot the old one - hopefully the problem can be resolved for future boards. I suggest using the Universal Gcode Sender as recommended on the Spark website if you are considering the xPRO board for your build. jb
Hi Jon, Can you please tell me how you got into contact with Spark Concepts? They only have a contact fourm on their site and need to get my board sorted out! Thanks
Something interesting I remembered reading about a year ago. Watch That Windows Update: FTDI Drivers Are Killing Fake Chips
CCV, I replied to the confirmation email sent from Spark when I ordered my board. I think the email went to [email protected]