openhardwarecoza submitted a new resource: LaserWeb - Laser controller software - Grbl, Smoothieware, Marlin, LasaurGrbl - node.js / browser based CAM + Machine controllers Read more about this resource...
I love your software, but can't get it to detect my board. I recently purchased it from USB Stepper Motor Controller with DSP, Isolation & Micro Stepping Drivers - what I like about the board is that it has the ribbon cable connector for my K40 laser. it was just a plug and play conversion and only cost me $118. I would prefer to use you software because of it's versatility. The board is set to a standard usb comport and baud rate of 115200. it's not an arduino or ramps, but something a little different.
I cant write a driver for something i dont have at hand. If you need support you are welcome to sponsor me one to play with
Could you use the driver written for the board as a starting place?
No thats the OS driver. The driver i refer to is several places inside laserweb (firmware detection, gcode dialect, jog module, inside raster, inside dxf, inside svg, inside even the viewer) where many many parts of the software adapts itself to the firmware in use. I literally had to hook up each controller currently supported and trial+error develop these modules. Which i am still glad to do for you for free... But can't without testing hardware. Arthur wolf donated a smoothieboard to get it supported, Riley porter donated a TinyG and i am writing supoort as we speak, and the Lasersaur team contributed to my project for a really long time. Thats why all those are supported. You could contact your vendor and convince them to sponsor me with test hardware, or take one for the team and donate a set out of pocket. Thats my rule. I'll support any gcode based controller, if i have a copy in hand to develop and test on...
Just a few examples here: Search Results ยท GitHub Of indexof(firmware =??) adapting LaserWeb functions on the fly
understood, it's all Greek to me, I'm a designer, but I'll see if they might donate a board for testing.