Hi, I am new here, and trying to figure out which stepper driver I should use with a MK2 (or MK3) 9 axis controller. Motors are: NEMA 23 Peak current is 2.8A/phase Bi-polar) Input voltage 12/24V The product description for the board states: motor driver connector pin-out is compatible with 10 pin open source interface (Linistepper, PICStep) However I can seem to find a place in the US that sells either of those. The Pololu A4988 only delivers ~1A per phase The Pololu DRV8825 appears to be a better match, with 1.5A cont current The Pololu AMIS-30543 might be the best match, with 1.8A cont current... However it does not appear to me that any of these 3 can be driven with the 10 pin design which the MK3 uses. I was also looking at things like the MotorDriver 6.0A – 256 from planet CNC... and it is selectable up to 6A and appears to be a perfect fit. Do they have any US distributors? What have other people had good luck with as far as a bipolar driver to use with the 9axis MK2/MK3? Thanks!
I am going to attempt to use the Leadshine M542 2 phase stepper driver. Input: 20-50 VDC Output: 1.0 - 4.2A I will update on how well this works out. I got the idea when I was combing through the specs on the board in the manual, and was able to make out the driver they had it connected to which was a Leadshine EM705