Im making another machine and don't wanna buy another GShield. What are the other options out there for GRBl compliant CNC driver shields? Thanks
I have just bought a protoneer shield with 8825 drivers, it plugs into a standard Arduino Uno. I will only get the rest of the drivers next week so I will have to let you know how it all works....
I am running the Protoneer raspberry pi hat and love it. The included nano runs GRBL and for control software I am running bCNC on the pi itself. Currently I am using the Pololu DRV8825 drivers, however the shield includes breakout pins if you wanted to run say gecko drivers. Been meaning to make a short review / setup video on it but have not got around to it yet.
Same setup for me - was a beta tester of the new design. Works great. I am using cnc.js now more than bCNC. -John
Does it need to be a shield or small drivers? How about an Arduino uno with screw shield and larger drivers? -Ronald