cool! Hopefully you dont get much play with such long spans. Are you planning to do such deep carvings?
I honestly don’t really know what all I would like to do with my CNC. So I designed with the idea that I may want to some bigger items. I have been fighting play on the X and Z axes a bit. So far I have just been doing some arts and crafts (to get some learning / practice in) type projects so accuracy hasn’t been an issue. You can see in the last few I photos I posted that I replaced the C-Beam on the side for ½” x 7” aluminum flat bar. The issue I had with the c-beam was the connection. The original C-Beam Gantry Plate just didn’t have a large enough foot print to over come the leverage created by the vertical height of the X axis. The new aluminum bar and wheels spread out has greatly reduced the play. Now I am thinking of replacing the V-Slot Gantry Plates where the X and Z axes connect with 1/4 “ x 7” aluminum flat bar. I think doing this will make it play free.
I haven't worked out all of the play yet. I am hoping to when I get a chance to make and install these plates. View attachment 16830 View attachment 16831
Can you keep your Parts List updated with the price you paid for each item as you go through your refinements and updates to remove play from the axes?
I will try my best. I just ordered the Aluminum Flat Bar to make some bigger plates to replace the plates connecting the X and Z axis.
I recommend you lower your plates, since the higher they are the more leverage there is (or, add smooth bars and linear blocks to enforce it) and consider mounting your Z axis "properly", like in the Cebu thread