I built an OX based router and I am driving it with a TinyG controller. I have it pretty much nailed down, but I am having a problem with homing the machine. I am using chillipeppr to drive it. I have 6 switches, 3 are set to home/limit (1 per axis) and the other 3 are set to limit. All are wired to be NC If I just manually put the machine in about the home position and run the chillipeppr demo gcode, it performs correctly (well, it moves in the right directions, I have not installed the spindle in the mount yet) but if I home the machine, it homes Z and then it stops and blinks red furiously. I checked my wiring to the switches on X and Y and it is right... and my meter says that they are functioning correctly (getting correct continuity at the contacts on the TinyG) Any thoughts?
one of the awesome moderators over at the synthetos forum answered my question. GrOX is alive and kicking.