Hello all, I amnew to these forums and have been reading through to find info on the DQ542MA stepper driver. There are lots o hits when I search but I haven't found anything with basic connection and operation info. I am looking at the DQ542MA to be used with the NEMA 23 Stepper Motor. The DQ542MA manaul does not have much info. If I connect PUL-, DIR-, ENBL- to GND and PUL+, DIR+ to positove potentional will the stepper run forward at full speed when positive potentioal is put on to ENBL+ and stop (holding position) when the positive potential is removed from ENBL+? Alternativly will I only get a 1.8 deg rotation for each leading edge pulse see on ENBL+?
http://openbuildspartstore.com/content/DQ542MA English Manual.pdf page 3 top connection is 'step' signal from controller next down is 'direction' connection from controller bottom is 'enable' connection - you probably don't need this at all. steppers never 'run full forward', they STEP (-: high or low on the direction will set the direction each pulse on the 'PUL+'will move the motor 'one step'. how far that step is depends on the microstepping settings. @MaryD you (or someone like you) should rewrite that manual in English (-: nice diagram here step
Hello David, Thanks for the clarification, and the diagram link. On this application it will actually run full forward (or as you point out continually stepping forward). The motor is a product feed that will run untill product is sensed in the correct position. From your explanation of the connection it appears I need to apply a pulse train to the "PUL+" connection, at a frequency that gives the correct speed. Thanks again.