As the heat of the summer subsides and the cooler breezes of autumn take over, it got me wondering if anyone is making decorations for the holidays? Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas? There are a few projects posted in the Projects & Resources area. I'd love to see pics of what you've cooked up and if you are willing to share your files, feel free to put it up in Projects & Resources as well!
My son and I did a quick project so he could scare his aunt that is deathly afraid of spiders. We figured it would be a good Halloween project. I cut all the pieces out with my CNC router because I could (even though the table saw would have been much quicker). I mainly did it because I wanted to practice a little with Fusion 360. Anyways, he has a cousin that at 9 years old is already an amazing artist and is into Tim Burton-esque art. My Sister-in-law posted some pictures on Facebook and I downloaded them, edited them a bit and converted them to bmp files in Gimp , then traced the bmps with Inkscape. These were loaded into F engrave and v carved onto the sides of the "candy" box and painted prior to final assembly. It is actually an approximation of this Anyways here are a couple of pictures: Engravings: Finished box: Video of the box in action: