I am going to build a C-Beam XL as my first project. Mechanical bundle is on order through the parts store. In the meantime I have been research options for all of the electronics. I originally settled on using a Raspberry Pi with a Protoneer CNC hat connected to external drivers. I then ran across a GRBL board that Kyo had created to interface between the Pi and a Gecko G540. I would use either UGS or bCNC as the control software on the Pi. So the missing piece I have not been able to find an answer to is, how to slave the second stepper for the y axis, if I use Kyo's board and the G540? Is there a setting available in UGS or bCNC to slave axes?
Hello Shawn, My grbl board has the gecko G540 fourth axis ( A ) hard wired to act as a Y axis slave on board. You do not need to slave the axis in software. Simply wire your second Y-axis up to the Gecko G540 A-axis DB9 connector like you do with the other axis..
Perfect! Thanks for the answer! I have your board already, plus most of the other pieces. So with a 4 day weekend coming up, I should be able to play around and get the electronics sorted out.