Hey all, I've recently assembled a DIY CNC mill for PCB engraving. It's working just fine but I can't seem to get it to drill. I keep receiving an error message that says "Input string was not in a correct format." I did some research and found out that grbl cant translate the drilling commands. I find this interesting considering drilling commands are shorter and easier then the PCB routing. I downloaded a couple of zips off github that use G83 and G81 for drilling commands but I haven't been able to find clear instructions on where to put them GitHub - deltatango2/G83_to_grbl_Peck_Drill_Converter: Python script to convert G83 commands to grbl compatible instructions I don't believe I have the Tkinter Library and I'm unsure what it means to hardcode the input file path into the variable, "file_path". I've placed the file in various locations but am still having trouble. The other zip I downloaded was from this github link GitHub - garciasa/grbl-drills-cambam: drills for grbl. Once again as a novice I am unsure about the usage of this file. Could someone please give me a little guidance it'd be greatly appreciated. I have a few other questions but this is the most pressing matter. Thanks, -J
You should take a look at bCNC. It has some Cam functions built in, including drilling - GitHub - vlachoudis/bCNC: GRBL CNC command sender, autoleveler and g-code editor
Thanks John, After some research I managed to download python properly and probably a whole list of other things I didn't need. But I'm able to open the bCNC program. But I cant seem to connect to my machine under the port selection no COM appears. Perhaps I have a file in the wrong place?