Just wondering if anyone has done this as I think it would impove the look of some builds (mainly mine). My thought is using two hidden 90 makerlinks, one inverted with longer set screws and the other as normal. miter the corners well and I think that the vslot could make some good looking end products that look more finished. Just a thought.
I don't recall anyone having posted on it. You might model it up in Sketchup or Fusion though. I think you'll find that if you're going for aesthetics, you probably don't want the makerlinks on the outside face going around the corner. The pure anodized aluminum look with everything coming to a point will be much cleaner.
I'll model it in Solid works as soon as I'm back at work. (Still haven't figured out Fusion and have forgotten most of what I knew in sketch up) I agree about the maker link on the exterior not looking as good but I am also concerned with rigidity. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
You could always take the flat 90s and grind the square off the corner down to a clean L to where they could be installed in the top and bottom edges...