So I switch project to build the CNC system. Will use the xpro V3 to control the 4 motors, 2 y , x and z. But open to use another if it suggested to be better. I get more and more confused on what I need to use and do to configure on the Windows systems. What software use to design projects and cut with CNC. Thanks for you help.
you need three pieces of software (some might be combined) CAD fusion360, sketchup are a couple (this is where you draw your part you want to machine) CAM sketchucam is one (this takes your design and converts it into code that your machine can understand) control Mach3, gcode sender are a couple (this takes the code from the CAM and tells the machine what to do) Bob
So is the TinyG a good option with these software. So is Chillpepper a opton to send the gcode. I know you can use JScut with a svg then move it to chillipepper. But if I do a 3d in ie sketchup can you use chillipepper or is Mach3 gcode better option. It get very confusing for newbies to this. Thanks in advance
since you said you want to use the xpro go with something like grblpanel to control your cnc. jscut chillipepper both work, but I would go the more mainstream route till you get a grip on it. yes you draw a part in sketchup then use sketchucam to generate the g-code. there's many ways to do this, most of it is personal opinion but boiled down to do ABC draw your part, make code, send code to cnc board, get a part.... Bob