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grbl download problems

Discussion in 'Control Software' started by Rodm, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Rodm

    Rodm Well-Known

    Jan 3, 2017
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    so what am I doing wrong? went to download grbl on the 64bit pc I plan to use as controller. the site (maybe wrong one) tells me drivers are out of date. OK, follow prompts and a paid for Microsoft driver update sub later I think all is good. Same circle jerk over and over. scan and update drivers, follow update promps, shows no out of date drivers, attempt tp upload and back to scan for outdated drivers???
  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Get GRBL 1.1 here GitHub - gnea/grbl: An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
    Click the green button on the right
    Select 'download zip'

    Get the Arduino IDE from Arduino - Software
    Go to the second section 'download the ide'
    Hit the link 'windows installer' on the right
    After it downloads, run it.

    The Arduino IDE install has created a 'sketchbook' folder in your 'my documents' folder.
    It might name it 'arduino', and it might get put into your OneDrive/Documents folder if OneDrive is active. Where it is does not matter until you want to change some options in the config.h file. Then you must find where ArduinoIDE put the library so you can edit the correct file. In the ArduinoIDE use File|Peferences to see where it puts your sketches.

    now follow the instructions at Compiling Grbl · gnea/grbl Wiki · GitHub to
    1. install the library into the arduino ide
    2. compile it
    3. load it into the arduino
    you will need the latest UGS or GRBLPanel to talk to v1.1, some interface stuff has changed in v1.1 and not all of the GUIs have been updated to talk to it properly, but i have tested both of the above and they are good.
    #2 David the swarfer, Feb 18, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  3. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    You've been scammed. Microsoft driver updates are free. And your credit card may have been compromised in the process so keep an eye on it.
  4. Rodm

    Rodm Well-Known

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Thanks, it didn't seem right but several of the programs I have now are subscription based.It was late and I just wanted to get grbl installed and go to bed. For a scam it was pretty good. The grbl download site gives instructions starting with a tab to scan for outdated drivers - that gets me to a download tab, that gets me to the Microsoft looking you need a subscription buy now page. They email me an authentication code that I had to enter before I could use. 7 outdated drivers - maybe an hour latter and 3 prompted reboots it says I'm up to date. I go to download grbl, get same check for message but it just checks for updates, no buy a sub crap, says I'm up to date but never gives a tab that starts grbl download - alway lead to update. Later I'll check my history and post up the site to help warn people. After I call Microsoft and my cc company.

    Just remembered I used paypal and got email confirmation from them and the email with authentication code?? ***? It all started after a Google "grbl download" search.
    #4 Rodm, Feb 18, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  5. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Based on all the steps you had to go through it sounds like a site preying on ignorance (and/or sleep deprivation) rather than one phishing for CC numbers as it did actually provide a service. And since you used paypal your CC is safe. Just make sure they haven't set you up for a recurring payment.
  6. Rodm

    Rodm Well-Known

    Jan 3, 2017
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    At least one of the two. What would be helpful is a link to the right place - best way to get grbl.
  7. Kyo

    Kyo Veteran
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Feb 27, 2014
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    Definitely not right, if that was my pc I would at least do a clean and sweep and check for viruses / malware / keyloggers / redirects / Ect. and possibly a wipe then reinstall of OS if necessary. It is just not worth the security risk installing drivers or any other software from a unknown website like that..

    The grbl github page as pointed out by David is the best and only place you should download grbl. The official github will not ask you to scan for or download drivers. Nor will any other legitimate site!

    Always check your URL bar. This is what you should see.
  8. Rodm

    Rodm Well-Known

    Jan 3, 2017
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    From now on software is a 9 to 5 job. So checking things out this morning and I ended up with two new apps and shortcuts on desktop, Driver update and slimcleaner. By Slimware utilities - Microsoft partner gold application development? Update claims to request driver updates, request software updates and request Microsoft updates. I'm avoiding the temptation to just start deleting things and going to wait for my brother (family computer geek) to check things out later today.

    There's a McAfee security set up that was on and never popped a warning. Also all showed fine after a complete scan this morning.
    #8 Rodm, Feb 18, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  9. Carl W. Livingston


    Dec 12, 2016
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    The best advice I might offer is to bite the bullet and move over to Linux!

    A little over a year ago I was running Windows 10. I came home from work one day and, upon boot-up, I was notified by Microsoft that I needed to reboot my computer, so that updates could be processed. And so I did. and so to, my computer never came back up! It didn't matter what version of Windows I attempted to install on the thing, that PC had become a useless rock!

    I was in the process of researching for a new PC when I decided to give Linux a try. So I installed Linux Ubuntu on that dead PC and it came right up and worked perfectly. Since then, I have been moving all of my computers over to Linux, Ubuntu Mate, 16.0.4. The learning curve has been steep and I still have one PC that is Windows-XP based, but it is not connected to the Internet and seems to remain stable - so fr. But as soon as I manage to find two equivalent software packages that I do depend on, Windows begrudgingly has a hold on my plans.

    Seriously, though, there isn't anything that Windows can do that a Linux machine can't do. And so far, all of the equivalent Linux based software I need has been free! And even the two software packages that keeps me with one Windows based machine, are available. However, it's the backward compatibility and learning curve that has kept the final escape from Windows at bay!!!

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