New to this forum, I am trying to figure out the best way to control my CNC router. I am using the xPro controller V3 with USB input. So I have looked at MACH3 (not sure how it works since my input is USB), Universal-G-Code Sender, & Estlcam as control software, I am open to others but looking for something cheap. I need some suggestions since Spark Concepts really has very little information about the xPro.
The xPro runs GRBL, so you can only use a GRBL GUI with it (not Mach3). All the GRBL GUI's are free. You can use Esltcam to generate Gcode which you then feed to the XPro using UGS or another GRBL GUI.
Hi, you can even control the xPRO controller directly from Estlcam without external g-code sender software. Just select the "Spark-Concepts xPRO V3" preset in the CNC controller setup dialog (you'll need to customize some settings to fit your machine but the main settings like pin layout will automatically be set correctly by the preset). Christian
You can also have a look at LaserWeb/CNCWeb. It is open source and has quickly matured into a powerful, easy to use/learn software package. It can control lasers and CNC mills/routers right now. At one point the developers were talking about it doing 3D printing as well. It's worth having a look at, the community is at and the downloadable exe files are at GitHub - LaserWeb/LaserWeb4-Binaries: Installers for LaserWeb4