After some advice from @Rick 2.0 I have settled on a build area of 6" X 10" . This will let me cut almost everything that I had envisioned the MiniMill cutting for me. For the odd larger plate I need to cut, I can always use my OX. I will be cooling the water cooled spindle using a radiator cooler I had designed earlier when I had the 1.5kw spindle on the OX (I am now running a 600W ER16 collet spindle on the OX, freeing up the 1.5KW spindle for this build.) Here is a link to the cooler Spindle cooling setup I have a 1.5HP dust collector that I already use for the OX, I will just need to add a short branch line to the MiniMill. I will run the MiniMill on a Smoothieboard using external drivers, running CorelDraw to CNCWeb to the MiniMill, a very easy to learn and use toolchain. I also like the fact that this design lends itself well to using a mist coolant sprayer. This should improve depth of cut and feed rates with the 1.5kW spindle. I hope to build an enclosure with a clear Plexiglass front door to keep the MiniMill in and keep the noise and mess down when operating it. It will also allow me to mount LED lights to the interior of the enclosure to see the mill in action better. One last modification is that I am going to make a diode laser mount for it, so I can use it as a small engraver. This mill will be of great use for my business, I own a clock repair business, I can already see the parts I will be able to make or refurbish using the MiniMill. And it will be nice to be able to make some custom aluminum plates for future builds. And of course, I would be remiss if I did not create some fidget spinners with it