The mechanical part of the build is done, left is the electronics and it's mechanical parts. Here is some photos of my installment of limit switches, mounted on the inside of the bracket for som extra protection. Limit_switch_1 by Kjell posted Jul 15, 2016 at 7:36 AM Parts needed, the micro switch (mine comes from aliexpress) the mounting bracket, 6mm distance, precision shim, 15mm M5 and two M3's. Limit_switch_4 by Kjell posted Jul 15, 2016 at 7:36 AM Limit switch put together front side. Limit_switch_6 by Kjell posted Jul 15, 2016 at 7:36 AM Limit switch put together, back side including a t-nut. Limit_switch_10 by Kjell posted Jul 15, 2016 at 7:36 AM Limit switch installed on Y-axis, works well so next step will to add some cabling to it.
Realizing some parts needed for the router is better done with a 3D printer I bought some stuff from China. The picture is from the first test-run before printing the stuff needed for the 3D printer, most needed is a stand for the filament. But since I need to get the family hooked on my machine I did print a pokemon to my 4-year old son first, that gave me a complete Sunday working on my machine
Nice build, Kjell. I like the repurposing to use as a 3D printer. Machines making parts to make themselves better..... that's scary I look forward to more updates.