Hi all, I'm working a simple drop in kit for existing Full Spectrum Laser 5th Gen users and desperate need the dimensions of the Mini V Gantry Plate and Extreme Mini V Wheels. It seem bizarre that the parts are available as CAD extensions but not as a simple spec sheet with all the dimensions on. Can anyone supply the exact dimensions of both of these, or better still the plate with 4 wheels attached? Thanks!
The wheels have their dimensions listed on their product page. The spacer and screw measurements are also listed. The plates used to have the dimension sheets on the product page as a photo. I wonder why it changed. That being said, I would not expect a company to provide measurements of every possible combination of their parts (plates with various spacers, etc) - although plate dimensions would be easy. Why not just download the Sketchup (or other CAD) file of the actuator that uses the components you are interested in and take the measurements yourself?
Thanks. I know the basic dimensions are on there but the one I really need is the plate but it's no there. Even just a plan/blueprint view with measurements would do it so i can figure out clearances with wheels attached etc. I tried to load them up in to sketchup but I've never used it before and it will take me a few hours just to learn the basics enough to be able to get the dimensions or put the wheels on the plate in there.
Thanks so much! This is EXACTLY what i needed. however, I now have some questions: On the plate the two sets of sunken holes are different sizes (17.995mm vs 15.15mm). What's the reason for this? Different size wheels? Also, how do you tension the wheels either side of a rail? Is it an eccentric screw? I don't see it on the parts list. Finally, do you need a plate either side or is it sturdy enough with one plate?
Eccentric spacers need a bigger hole and so the screw needs a bigger pocket to rotate in as you adjust the eccentric spacer. Also, where did you get those numbers, I see 10.10 mm and 12 mm.
Thanks. I realised the PDF that Rick 2.0 shared is actually scaled up by 50%. (when you open it in Illustrator, the plate is scaled 75mm x 75mm, and not it's true dimensions of 50x50). I had to reduce everything down to the correct amount. The numbers were before I realized this.
If you open the files in sketchup and use the plugin discussed in the link below you can print out anything you want at exactly the rights scale. This is what I did to hand cut and drill all my plates after I designed them. No guesswork or trial and error if you need exact dimensions in drawings. https://openbuilds.com/threads/printable-plate-files.1242/#post-13603
Thanks, it's just I've never used sketchup before and I just don't have time to learn yet another program (I've taught myself the entire adobe suite, Corel, Inskape not to mention several DAWs overer the past few years) so I just can't bring myself to learn sketchup right now just to get a PDF of the parts. It'll be quicker to scale them in Illustrator and then use a bit of trial and error (going to have to anyway as there's no kerf offset etc).