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Help: Stepper motor problems

Discussion in 'Motors' started by Gabriel Betton, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. Gabriel Betton


    Feb 21, 2018
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    Hello OpenBuilds posters !

    We are working on a school project using 4 stepper motors and drivers, we have four 14HS11-1004S (Nema 14 Bipolar 1.8deg 12.5Ncm (17.7oz.in) 1A 3.5V 35x35x28mm 4 Wires) and four DRI0043 (DRI0043 DFRobot | Cartes de développement, kits, programmateurs | DigiKey). As we need to contol 4 axes, we are using the grblQ-Mega-4axes Arduino library.

    Here are the problems, we set the same settings for all axes in the library but they act differently (with the same request, the X-axis travels around half the distance of the Y-axis). Moreover, we don't understand all the settings of the driver (what are the microsteps, how to obtain full step with microsteps), when we set it up to 200 steps/revolution (so full step, our motors are 200 steps/motor), the motor make a terrible noise and when we try to turn it by hand, it's difficult to move and it seems to have very big steps.

    Thanks in advance for your answers !

    Here is the assembly:
  2. Gary Caruso

    Gary Caruso OpenBuilds Volunteer
    Staff Member Moderator Builder

    May 19, 2016
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    How do you have your driver switches set? The noise you describe could be from too low of current or trying to drive it too fast. Should be difficult to turn by hand when powered on. Post your settings for GRBL
    I hope you didn't pay 16 EUR each for those drivers!
  3. Gabriel Betton


    Feb 21, 2018
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    Thanks for your quick answer !

    From switch 1 to 6: On Off On On Off On (so 2/A microsteps and 1A of current, and what means 2/A and 2/B ?). We tried the different settings of microstep, with 200 steps/revolution, it didn't work at all, and then the more steps/revolution we had, the more silent it became and the less it travels. We will try a higher current and lower speed the next time, in 3 weeks :( ...

    For the GRBL settings, we tried this:
    And this (we calculated ourselves the steps/mm for the axes):

    And this is a school project so it's not our wallet ! (But it was 16€ each indeed...)

    Attached Files:

  4. Gary Caruso

    Gary Caruso OpenBuilds Volunteer
    Staff Member Moderator Builder

    May 19, 2016
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    2/A 2/B microstep
    When using 2 micro step you will have 400 steps per turn, more steps = more smooth.. but the top RPM and holding torque suffers the higher you go.
    So use the lowest microstep you can with tolerable smoothness and resolution.
    Looking at your settings it looks correct. assuming the lead of your screw is 4mm then that's 0.01mm per micro step. but I think it's asking for "Steps per mm" which would be 100 steps. I'm not familiar with this flavor of GRBL, but for 4 axis i think you will be binding x, y, or z to two drives really only 3 axis. I don't think GRBL can do 4 true independent axis, maybe i'm wrong.
    #4 Gary Caruso, Feb 22, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2018
  5. Gooshpoo

    Gooshpoo Well-Known

    Jul 17, 2017
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    First im not a coder or anything but dont you have to remove the "#" in front of all that stuff for it to work? im not sure but i did on smoothieboard.
    1A1B 2A2B refers to the coils 4 wire each with a designation.
    A 1.8 nema refers to the step angle of the motor a 1.8 degree motor takes 200 steps to rotate a full 360 degrees.
    so 200 steps per rotation would be full step
    Micro stepping is a division of that.
    A full step is not a smooth operation
    Micro stepping creates smoother movement and less vibrations.
    if your motors a making a lot of high pitched noise you are not feeding it the correct power it wants. try setting a low current and work your way up until you find somthing nice
    The other thing is your micro stepping can cause noise some stepper drivers are louder then others.

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