Take my money already. Can we pre order to reserve one? How about getting the case stl so we can start milling?
We are working hard on this project and are getting very close to a release. I wish I could shout out more, but its just not time ...yet. I can say that an STL for a case will not be necessary You guys have been really great and super patience with us and we thank you so much for your support. Its your excitement that has been the fuel pushing this project forward, and we can't wait to share it. Mark
Thanks Mark glad to here some update news from you. Will the apex controller be able to be updated by firmware updates you know how we get with new gadgets we can't help it!!!! matt
We need more info.. it's been months! Will this include drivers? will you have to buy control software? Will it support 4 axis? Any tentative dates for next announcement? Been TRYING to hold off buying everything but it's getting hard!
I also put my build on hold for almost a year waiting for this apex board. I am sure it will worth the wait.
The Apex controller is a little like the Dragon and the Unicorn, we all know they exist, just no one has ever seen one for real.
I would think the best thing to do if you are waiting for the Apex is to buy the DQ542MA drivers and a $16 Arduino Uno and run GRBL for now.
Great ideas take time. I can feel the anticipation building up. It will be a great day for openbuilds community when the apex controller make it's arrival. Thank you for all your effort, time and vision to help us all make better machines. matt
Hello all. First, I love this community. You all are awesome and a font of knowledge to hackers and makers everywhere! Invaluable. Really, you could charge and I'd still be in. That said... Why all the secrecy? A business reason? Trade secret? Maybe I'm a bit of a cynic, but... Something this cool, you'd think OB.com would want to document its progress. Like in a BUILD. Maybe it's not open source. Oh.....
They are creating something better to help all of us. Of course there will be secrecy, if they share its development now someone could steal it. They’re working hard on it and deserve to reap any benefits from its creation. After it’s completed they’ll bring it to us. Keep up the good work OB.
True that. Just "chompin' at the bit" to get access to it. I can't get enough of the announcement video, though! The model of the controller PCB looks rad! Six channels!
I am ready to buy and build my ox with the Apex controller, Want 12 to 20 inches on my Z axis. So I need to beef up the ox and a design change , This is my first build and I will need advice and help. I can be reached at helwigg@charter.net Thanks to everyone that can guide this new cnc user on the journey !
Wonder how good its gonna be at thwarting EMI / ESD? Watching the concept vid again, and putting AC or coil components (ps, relays, etc.) in with the controller can't be a good idea, can it?
Man, you guys almost got me in trouble, all this excitement, ALMOST had me post a picture of the latest revision :/ but luckily sanity prevailed and i realized if I leak the newest information I might be out of here by Fire-o-clock! But man, can't wait to show you guys the newest stuff! (; not what you expect, but super super awesome. Sit tight, more to come very very soon!
Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. STILL.......... Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Etc Etc Etc