You’ve built your 4 axis CNC Foam Cutter and now you need some software to generate g-code for that foam wing. If you can afford it then buying software may be the way to go, but expect to pay up to £300/$400 for Mach3/4 and DevFoam Wing etc. I just posted a video and updated by eBook on how you can do this without spending any money on software. Check my website where you can sign up for the eBook and here's the video thats goes with it. Its about 30 mins long and show how to install and configure LinuxCNC as a 4 axis foam cutter and then use a free airfoil generator to make the wing , thanks to David the Swarfer.
Glad to help out. Software isn't as readily available for 4 axis CNC foam cutters without spending a fair bit of cash. I should know I did that in my early days. Keith