Hey everyone! I have been putting together some machines and thought that I would share them with everyone here. The First one is a foam router that I put together, it does not have to be rigid in any sense cause the foam cuts so easily. The second was a printer that I designed a while ago and did a retro fit using the 20x20 beams.
Looks great @Roach855 ! The foam router with the super large work area is amazing. Thank you for sharing
Well thought I would share some more! This is a 12 foot by 18 foot 2 axis hot wire cutter. It was more of a retro fit as the original rail system was rusted and destroyed, so I gutted the electronics and put a GRBL system in and replaced the rails with C-Beam. Pardon the mess... It has been working non-stop for about a year and a half, and we have not had a lot of time to clean up. ;P
So for the long runs of C-Beam, are you just butting them up end to end? Anything special needed at the seams?