I’m working on upgrading my controller box. I’m adding a superPID controller too. Here is my layout for now. I haven’t started on the wiring yet obviously. I’m thinking of adding some fans at the top and slots along the bottom for cooling. The metal box on the side is for an outlet to plug the router and vacuum system in. What do you think?
Small picture update. I decided to add a fused distribution block to the system so I had to move a few things around. I've still got quite a bit of wiring to do and its starting to look pretty messy already.
I worked all weekend on mine. They fill up quickly, don't they? Do you have any concerns about the heat from the Super PID being so close to the power supply and/or so far away from the exhaust fans? I'm not being critical, just curious.
No, not really The heat sink is actually an old CPU heatsink from a computer. You can't see the vanes, but they run vertical so air should get pulled vertically through them. If I notice it getting too hot, I have room to install a fan on the end of the vanes to help with cooling. Also, the fans are pulling quite a bit of air through the box. I did a horrible attempt at cutting slots in the bottom to let air in...
Finally got done with the new controller box. Still looks messy to me. Not sure how I even fit all of that in that small box to begin with.