I am looking to find someone who is able to manufacture a simple printer for us. The requirements- We produce custom coir door mats on demand for customers, we started by lasering them in our Trotec's however the carbonisation does not last very long when exposed to weather/ sun. We then experimented with using UV printing and even a simple CNC with an airbrush head however neither were suitable. We are now at the point of needing a low re single colour simple mat printer manufacturing. I imagine using Valve jet or Drop on demand type of "print head" will be the best solution. If any of you talented people would be interested in undertaking such a project please let me know. We would also be keen on exploring the option of adding a robot arm or conveyer to increase production speed.
If you attach a suitable head to your existing CNC experiment, you could use a simple 555 square wave generation board as a head driver (assuming that one pulse = one droplet fired, I'm not overly familiar with the technology) and input pure binary black-and-white laser raster files. Use a reactive dye for maximum fastness, and problem solved.
Hi Rob, thanks for the info, That's more complex than I am capable of, do you know of someone with the relevant skills to contract this too? Thanks