I want to order my first parts. My first build is going to be a long single axis or I might order enough parts to turn it into a x-y axis. If I want my x-axis to be 3 meter (2 lengths of 1500mm 20x20) what bracket (and other hardware) do I use to connect them together? Also I am assuming that the double V wheel will run inside the rail. Is this correct?
These might be helpful http://openbuildspartstore.com/double-tee-nut/. You just can't used them on the sides the wheels will be running as yes, the wheels do fit down in the groves.
Thanks Rick I would have guesed wrong because I had picked thesehttp://openbuildspartstore.com/2-hole-joining-strip-plate/
Use both. The double Tees for inside the rail slot, and thhe plates you mentioned on the outside of the V-slot, facing the inside of the rails (where neither the gantry plates or wheels ride.