Interesting, filling the tubing. How has this been working out for you? Have you cut much aluminum with it?
Hello, Nice builds, I was wondering if real Hiwin rails and carriers move really freely. I bought the chineese replica, and my god! The carriers are almost impossible to move over the rails. thanks
Thanks mate. Yeah they where tight but not to bad. Here is a vid of the y axis sliding. Also i added some lithium greese to mine.
Looks better than mine, if I can get a hand on the grease gun required i might give them a shot, it would certainly do not hurt
What a nice build, looks very strong in the Y-Z. I'm curious about how the Y will hold up with one wide HIWN.
thanks mate. yeah x and y axis where both strong enough but z axis was the weak link. I have since stripped this router down and i plan to redesign it with 12mm leadscrews
I've really enjoyed reading about this build. Both here and on your website. I was going to build a C-Beam XL, but this is far more appealing to me. Is there any chance you would be able to make a detailed mechanical parts list available? Maybe not as detailed as all hardware, but the profile and sizing of the structural elements. Where you sourced them from would also be handy as I'm also in Australia.
Thanks mate. appricate the kind words about this little workhorse of a machine but a cbeam xl would also be a good place to start. I personally have moved onto much bigger machines myself and no longer have this one together you can check my new designs on instagram "diycncoz", I'm really short on spare time these days so haven't have time to update the website but do upload a quick photo from time to time on insta. regarding this build i can share my old autodesk123d cad. please note it was done awhile ago so isnt that great but will give a good estimate of sizes. also another concept i had that you might like in attached picture
Thanks! I think I will just start with a cbeam but provide myself with room to add rails. I will hop on insta for a look. I would love to see an update of where you've progressed to. Update that **** site, it's a gem......