I've ask this question some years ago and got a few good answers in return, but I'm damned if I can find them now, so I'll have to ask again. When Mark first built the OX , I followed him in every way. But I was stumped when it came to wiring the 2 "Y" stepper motors together so they would run in sequence to each other from the gShield board. I'ts the colour code that I was after and someone on the forum supplied a nice picture of the way the 4 wires from the 2 "Y" stepper motors are place in the gShield board getting them to travel together in each direction as one. I'm hoping the same guy reads my post and delivers once again. Hopefully yours Fabian68
Fabian, here is how mine are set up: I am using a six wire Nema 17 but two of the wires are not used, (yellow and white) the sequence is this, from left to right from the edge of the board: yours may differ, 1st motor, Black, Green, Red, Blue 2nd motor, Black, Green, Blue Red try that and see if it works. good luck
You need to know which of your wires are pairs. Hold two wires together. If the motor easily turns, they are not a pair. if it is hard to turn them (almost impossible by hand), then they are a pair. Now wire one motor onto the board. The other motor will need to run the opposite direction since it is mirrored on the Ox (and other machines running belts). To make this happen, wire one pair to your driver the same as the first motor, but reverse the second pair. Depending on when you bought your motors, or where from, the colors may mean something completely different for your motor than for mine. That is why you should confirm the motor pairs. I believe this is discussed in the Ox build video.
Hi guy's Thanks for the replies. Firstly, Giarc Master, your right the pairing of motor wiring was discussed in Mark's second video, but the actual wiring of the 'Y' motor set wasn't. I expect Mark was feeling great at that point that everything was going well missed out in explaining that part. Compo, thanks for the discription of your settings as this was what I was after. Having it explained makes it easy to get it sorted easily and now my 'OX' is running as it should be. Thanks again for your help. Michael.