Hello, I recently made a workbee 1000 x 1000 and I used as controller board a nch02 made by novusun. I connected the motors through TB6660 drivers and, at the beginning, everything seemed to work fine. I made quite complicated models using Fusion 360 and its cam software using mach3/milling as post processor. The problem I'm experiencing is that I continuously loose the zero workpiece. There are specific moments in which the Y axis "trembles" meaning that the two Y motors make a lot of short movements back and forward for 2 to 4 seconds. After that the tools goes on but the zero point changes along the Y directions. Obviously I checked mechanically and, in doubt, I changed the TB6660 drivers. I hope there is someone that can give me a hint. Thanks for any help
Hi, Did you solve your problem, and is it working OK for you ? I am looking in to using the NCH02 for my workbee.