If you have a couple hours, test out an old version like v1.0.150 OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL - do a long term test, like couple long jobs for a week or two. If that doesnt hang up ever, then next try v1.0.152 OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL Between 150 and 152 node-serialport was updated - worth checking if that has anything to do with it (it is a long shot, but sadly we can't test it here as all our PCs run fine and dandy, if you guys that have the issue can spare some time testing that out it might give us some more insight on what's different on your PCs) Sadly only one person partook in the troubleshooting menu based testing mentioned two posts above
I have to run a few projects this week, so i can certainly help. just a little more info, i was originally running on an older laptop with Linux and i happened quicker then on my brand new laptop running widows 10 . i just chalked it up to my computer being old.
Appreciate the help, keep me in the loop, if it fails early on, its not that either and theres a few more things we can check
Ok so i had time to test it out .150 seemed ok just a little sluggish not sure why. .152 was much like .207 but actually took longer to show itself. going back to .207 i can get max 5 - 6 cuts repeatedly before i have to close out of control and restart. it is like clockwork.
152 was a lot less optomised (amazing to go a couple version back and see how far we've come sometimes hehe - bit by bit, update by update, you don't notice the minor fixes piling up) So 150 never crashed? 152 does?
none of them ever crashed per say. on .150 the stuttering never showed up with 3 days of working and leaving open. the UI and overall feel just felt sluggish. .152 lasted over a day before it slowed way down and started stuttering. .207 like i said will start doing it after 5-6 cuts. the files i am running are not big either. they are simple flags using 3 different bits.
Hmmm, then no real clue in the electron version update either. You maybe have another PC to test with?
I do but they are running the same version of windows. and my laptop is actually faster but the desktop has a better gpu.
Added some documentation on how to attach Chrome Devtools to the backend (nodejs/electron) process: OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL The handful of you guys who has the issue, start CONTROL with the --inspect switch and then you can connect Devtools from a seperate Chrome window to look at the memory/performance tabs of the Backend too. Maybe this will have some clues. You can Save and export the Profile/Performance and Memory data if you want me to take a look. As issue doesnt happen on any of our machines, going to need you guys to "catch it in the act" while its unstable, cpu/memory profiles to analyse would be awesome to get hold of