Getting to the finer details on my 1010 plotter app, I have a special need to calibrate it. Here's a simplified example use case to explain the issue. Say I create a 30 x 50mm rectangle in Adobe Illustrator which is saved to an svg file and then converted to gcode via Lightburn. I also print the same rectangle (that's not exactly what I do but it will suffice for the sake of this question) When I plot directly on top of the printed rectangle I note that they are not exactly the same size. Pretty close, my estimate plus/minus .5mm, which is still problematic for my application. Obviously hard to say which side of the fence caused the error, but my guess is more likely the printer is at fault. Nonetheless, there is no way to adjust the printer so my question there a way to "numerically" tweak the 1010 X and Y travel/step independently via OBC to adjust for this difference?
The visual measurement of the Y Calibration as per the wizard tool (that's the scaling direction that's slightly off in my app) looks correct as I suspected. I'll need to offset this measurement to compensate for the tiny bit of mismatch I see compared to the underlying artwork. Just so I understand what to expect when tweaking it, and how to reset it back to default if necessary, will scaling it change the "$101= 57.143mm" value in GRBL settings?