So I am trying to figure out what software I will be using for my CNC router. I am planning on using Sketchup with Sketchucam for making designs and getting the gcode. I am planning on using arduino mega and I already have a ramps board and drivers. My main question is with a machine controller. There doesnt seem to be any good ones for the ramps board for CNC, they are all for 3D printing. Would grbl be the better option? Anyone have experience with linuxcnc and arduino? Does it use the grbl shield?
While I don't have any direct experience with LinuxCNC and arduino I can tell you that LinuxCNC uses EMC2 as a base and there was an Emc2Arduino project going on in 2013. Maybe this will help get you going in the right direction. Have you asked around in the LinuxCNC forums?
Thanks for the reply. After searching the web for several hours I decided to just buy a grbl shield v3 which I can put my pololu drivers on and use the Grbl Controller. I still would like to use LinuxCNC with emc2arduino, but seems like there aren't many people using it with arduino and that is what I already have to work with. Also seems more complicated to setup with very few people that have any examples with arduino. Maybe I will switch to beaglebone or raspberry pi running linuxcnc in the future.